2023 / 11 / 14

Announcement of the Re-elected Board Members List of Far Eastern Union Petrochemical (Yangzhou) Ltd., the Susidiary of OUCC

1.Date of occurrence of the change: 2023/11/14
2.Elected or changed position (Please enter institutional director,
institutional supervisor, independent director, natural-person director or natural-person supervisor): Natural-person Director
3.Title and name of the previous position holder:
Director: Paul Chuang
Director: James Chou
Director: Humphrey Cheng
Director: Victoria Peng
4.Resume of the previous position holder:
Paul Chuang, Chairman of Far Eastern Union Petrochemical (Yangzhou) Ltd.
James Chou, Director of Oriental Unioin Chemical Corporation
Humphrey Cheng, Director of Oriental Union Chemical Corporation
Victoria Peng, Vice President of HR & Administration of Oriental Union
Chemical Corporation
5.Title and name of the new position holder:
Director: Chien-Hung Ting
Director: Eric Chueh
Director: Alan Tsai
Director: Yi-Ming Sha
6.Resume of the new position holder:
Chien-Hung Ting, President of Oriental Petrochemial (Shanghai) Corporation
Eric Cheuh, Director of Oriental Union Chemical Corporation
Alan Tsai, Vice President of Administration HQ of Far Eastern New Century Corporation
Yi-Ming Sha, Vice President of Chairman Office of Far Eastern New Century Corporation
7.Circumstances of change (Please enter “resignation”, “dismissal”,“term expired”, “death” or “new appointment”): New Appointment
8.Reason for the change: Re-election
9.Number of shares held by the new position holder when elected:
Chien-Hung Ting, 0 share
Eric Chueh, 0 share
Alan Tsai, 0 share
Yi-Ming Sha, 0 share
10.Original term (from __________ to __________): NA
11.Effective date of the new appointment: 2023/11/14
12.Turnover rate of directors of the same term: 2/3
13.Turnover rate of independent directors of the same term: NA
14.Turnover rate of supervisors of the same term: Nil
15.Change in one-third or more of directors (Please enter “Yes” or“No”): Yes
16.Any other matters that need to be specified (the information disclosure also meets the requirements of Article 7, subparagraph 6 of the Securities and Exchange Act Enforcement Rules, which brings forth a significant impact on shareholders rights or the price of the securities on public companies.): Nil