Zero Damage in Manufacturing Process

OUCC has carried out manufacturing process hazard and operability (HazOp) analysis on hazardous processes associated with higher risks. A hazard prevention model and the risk management process have been constructed to reduce the probability of industrial accidents.

We have introduced the Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA) technology into the newly established EOD plant in 2010 to effectively strengthen the safety protection layer and achieve the expected risk management effects.

  • LOPA analyses of the existing processes were 100% completed.
  • In 2022, 8 HazOp and ethylene oxide storage tanks (MS-208) LOPA analysis were implemented to improve safety.

Each unit carried out general hazard identification using the risk ratings chart; a total of 10 improvement cases were tracked in 2022.

Risk Hazard Analysis

Process risk holds the key to plant safety. In 2022, we conducted HazOp & LOPA risk identifications in the workplace for the ethylene oxide storage tank (MS-208.) We added an emergency shut-off valve to the gas discharging pipeline of the EO storage tank for an emergency shut-down. The emergency shut-off valve is SIL1 Level, which is aimed at improving security measures.

Zero Damage in Manufacturing Process

Safety Prevention Mechanism
① Occupational Safety and Health Management Standard Operation Procedures (SOP)
  • The environmental health and safety policy as set down in the "Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Management Handbook" has been revised in response to the resolve of top management, request of the FE Group, and anticipation of stakeholders in view of the environmental safety and health.
  • "Occupational Health and Safety Risks and Opportunities Management Guidelines" effectively identify the risks and opportunities of the occupational health and safety management system. We continue to enhance performance through active improvements to the occupational safety and health management system.
  • The "Safety Manual for Work in Confined Spaces" lists safety management for all work operations in confined spaces to ensure personnel safety.
  • "Environmental Safety Certification Requirements for All Levels" have to be followed by the supervisors of all units and apply to all levels of staff in need of certification.
  • "Safety Management of High-Pressure Water Column (Water Blade) Operations" requires that all the necessary tasks be taken in strict compliance with regulations to ensure and maintain the safety of personnel at all times.
② Safety Data Sheet and Hazard Labeling of Chemical Substances

All raw materials and products used in the plant have associated material Safety Data Sheets (SDS) which are kept on-site and in the offices of each unit. They are also accessible on the Internet platform for employees’ checking at all times. This ensures that all the proper actions to be adopted to secure the safe handling of the material and the safety of personnel and the plant.

③ Sobriety Testing Before Entry

The "Work Rules" stipulate a sobriety test for employees entering the plant: For employees and contractors, alcohol testing is conducted at the factory as appropriate to deter and ensure the effect of alcohol-free entry into the factory. Employees or contractors who fail the sobriety test are denied entry. An employee who violates the rules will be dealt with according to the Work Rules. Contractors in violation will be penalized under the Contractor Operation Safety Commitment.

④ Safety and Health Education Training

Continue to promote "safety, health, and environmental protection education and training." In 2022, a total of 92 courses were held with 490 participants and a total of 1,519 training hours. To ensure that employees can apply what they have learned, they are encouraged to instantly submit or raise their questions during the course, to conduct effective two-way communication.

Zero Damage in Manufacturing Process

Non-disaster Man-Hours

OUCC promotes the following mechanisms to enhance the safety awareness of all our workers and contractors, to achieve the goal of accident-free man-hours:

  • 5S patrol inspections are implemented by supervisory personnel every week. The safety branch will conduct a safety audit every month with improvement tracking carried out.
  • Combine occupational health and safety with personnel key performance indicator (KPI,) which links with employees' performance bonuses. And we encourage all personnel to report false alarm incidents.
  • The Plant supervisors participate regular safety meetings to discuss, communicate, share experiences and coordinate with each other on safety and health issues.
  • An OUCC Safety and Health Line Group has been formed and the plant's supervisors and contractors are requested to join the group in order to reflect, share and communicate ideas and opinions.

Zero Damage in Manufacturing Process
Zero Damage in Manufacturing Process

Better Communication with Workers to Improve Occupational Safety and Health

OUCC followed the "G0300-WI-007 Guideline for Consultation and Participation of Workers and Occupational Safety and Health Committee Management" to reach internal consensus, and to establish safety and health management obligations and regular bilateral communication channels for internal employees, external contractors and the relevant stakeholders.

Zero Damage in Manufacturing Process

Stakeholders Contactors
SHE Contactors