Sustainable Risk Control

OUCC places great emphasis on risk management and has established a robust "Risk Management Organization" with committees at various levels. These committees are integrated into the company's core business strategy and decision-making processes. We employ a comprehensive approach to identify, assess, and manage various risks to ensure the protection of the company's operational activities and the interests of stakeholders.

For critical operational issues and risks, we conduct systematic evaluations and analyses. We implement relevant management systems, develop well-defined risk strategies and actions, and integrate them with sound operational management practices. This ensures a balance between business operations and risk  management, establishing a solid foundation for sustainable business practices.

Sustainable Risk Control
Sustainable Risk Control

Task Force on Climate
- related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

To transparently disclose climate change related risks and opportunities, and to ensure that stakeholders understand OUCC's efforts and strategies in addressing climate change.

OUCC adopted the "Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD)" framework in 2022 to measure and evaluate the impact of climate change through the four major frameworks of governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets, evaluate and disclose the potential business impact of climate change issues on OUCC, and develop countermeasures to reduce the potential impact of climate change risks on our operations.

Sustainable Risk Control

Sustainable Risk Control

Sustainable Risk Control

Sound Internal Control System

Designed by the managers and approved by the Board of Directors, the internal control system of the OUCC is to be implemented by the Board, the management, and other employees and is designed to provide sound management and to achieve objectives of the internal control system.

Sustainable Risk Control

Effective operation of the internal control system is ensured by an independent Audit Department directly responsible to the Board of Directors. In addition to regular business audit reports to the Audit Committee, the audit officer also reports at the Board of Directors meetings. 

OUCC places high value on ESG related issues, internal control, and the internal audit. The 2022 audit plan included reviews on corporate governance, financial operations, environmental and labor safety, as well as information, R&D and other related operations, which were conducted to ensure the company operations and information disclosure met the expectations of all the stakeholders.

Sustainable Risk Control

Information Security Risk Management

To safeguard the information from the impact of unendurable risks, OUCC adopts the concept of Business Continuity Planning (BCP) to establishing rigorous information security policies and processes, clearly defining the responsibilities and requirements for various operational activities in information security, ensuring the sustainable operation of the company and the security of customer information.

1. IT Security Organization

For the "IT Security Management Organization," OUCC plans to set up an IT security chief as an information security management representative to supervise information security.

Sustainable Risk Control

2. Management Approach

OUCC's risk transfer and contingency strategies include management mechanisms such as risk assessment, risk transfer, emergency response and maintenance audit to secure proper operation of the information system.

Sustainable Risk Control

3. Action Program

To further strengthen security and allay concern, a safer two-tier authentication mechanism was implemented for the external login of personnel on business purposes in 2022. We also introduced SSL certificates to establish a standard specification for a password link between the website server (host) and the website browser (client), so that clients’ and internal information can be secured against being monitored.

Sustainable Risk Control

Sustainable Risk Control
Sustainable Risk Control
Stakeholders Contactors
SHE Contactors